Technology & Learning

Technology shapes the way that we learn. Halverson (2013) highlights the importance of using digital media and technologies to amplify individual learning experiences, suggesting that the ability to use technology as a means of furthering independent and collaborative learning is an important skill.

Access to technology throughout my own schooling transformed the way that I was able to research, communicate, and construct ideas. My high school strongly encouraged the use of digital technologies both within and outside of the classroom, allowing learning experiences to become highly flexible and individualised.

Online secure social networking sites such as Edmodo provided a safe ‘affinity space’ (Gee & Hayes, 2010) for class collaboration and involvement, allowing for teachers to engage and interact with the development and process of their students. This online learning tool also allowed for enhanced interactions within group projects, and constructive feedback and assistance could easily be transferred between students, teacher and peers when required. Affinity spaces such as Edmodo offer “multiple interest-driven trajectories, opportunities to learn with others, and paths toward becoming an authentic participant” (Curwood, 2016).

Although technology is highly effective at enhancing learning experiences, it can also become a form of distraction and disengagement from learning when used incorrectly or extensively (Halverson, 2013). From my own experience of learning through technology, I believe that creating a balanced learning environment that utilises but does not exclusively rely on technology can be an effective way to counteract student disengagement and enhance learning experience.

Overall, the use of technology and digital media both within a classroom setting and at home has greatly enhanced my experiences with learning, and I believe that when used effectively technology is an essential tool to support learning and development.



Halverson, R. (Producer). (2013). 6 2 Technology Inside versus Outside of Classrooms Rich Halverson. Retrieved from

Curwood, J. 2016. Social Networking and Connected Learning [web pdf]. Retrieved from

Gee, J.P. & Hayes, E. (2010). Passionate affinity groups: A new form of community that works to make people smarter. In Women and gaming: The Sims and 21st century learning (pp. 105-124). New York: Palgrave.


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